Rabu, 11 Juni 2014


Herbal medicine used for healing purposes predates human history and is the foundation for modern pharmaceuticals. In ancient times it is believed that community healers discovered the healing effect of many plants by observing the natural habits of sick animals. When animals such as chickens, sheep, butterflies, and chimpanzees as well as many other wild and domesticated animals became ill with a virus or bacteria they would often begin to forage for bitter herbs which scientist have discovered contain chemicals such as tannins and alkaloids which are secondary metabolites. These chemicals often have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antihelminthic properties. These findings lead researchers to believe that wild and domesticated animals have the innate ability to self-medicate. One such example can be found in the diet of the lowland gorilla who take 90% of their diet from the fruits of the Aframomum melegueta, a relative of the ginger plant, which is a potent antimicrobial and keeps diseases such as shigellosis and similar infections at bay. With these observations made by the community healer and then passed down from generation to generation, the medicine man was able to prescribe with relative ease any number of plants for a plethora of ailments.

As we entered the 20th century herbal medicine declined while the use of pharmaceuticals increased exponentially. As scientist researched the effects of herbs on human ailments they would discover the chemical within the plant with the supposed healing property, then they would artificially manufacture the chemical and prescribe it to an unwitting population who heralded the doctors as saviors.

Herbal Medicine or Pharmaceuticals?
As stated previously pharmaceuticals have been chemically reduced to a single ingredient such as aspirin (from willow bark), digoxin (from foxglove), quinine (from cinchona bark), and morphine (from the opium poppy). The problem with these seemingly miraculous drugs is that fact that they have many adverse side effects that come from such a potent and isolated ingredient. If a person where to take herbal medicines which include whole herbs and plants the side effects are drastically reduces and the treatment becomes much more subtle and a person is able to be a whole healthy person.

Herbal medicine is able to treat nearly all ailments and many scientists are starting to do more and more research into the effects of whole plants on the treating everyday ailments. As science begins to see the need to treat the whole person instead of the ailment, overall health will be gained. Our bodies have gone through a thousand thousand generations of change and have become quite addept at curing themselves. What our bodies need from us is the acceptance of the innate ability to self-medicate. The problem is we have forgotten what plants help what ailments.

Herbal Medicine and Floraeceuticals

Here at Floraeceuticals we feel the need to tap into the innate ability of humans to find herbs and plants to help with everyday ailments such as the inabilty to gain weight, urinary tract infections,low energy levels, depression and anxiety.


There are smokers that are eager to quit smoking quickly. They tend to find ways to do it faster than the usual tips given to them. Well, it is good to know that there are some methods that can help someone to quit smoking. What are these methods?

There is the so called hypnotherapy. It is a kind of treatment through hypnosis. Actually, some reviews show that this kind of method does not really work. Still, there are some people who believe that it is useful in kicking the habit of smoking. If you wish to try this method, seek advice from a doctor and ask to refer you to a hypnotherapist. If you don’t want to try hypnosis, maybe you can be interested trying acupuncture. There are minimal evidences that it really works but it is still said to be useful, too.

Acupuncture as a method to quit smoking is usually applied on certain parts in the ears of the smoker. It is a special kind of treatment held in a few sessions. Then, there is also laser therapy for smoking. It uses low level of laser and it is also called cold laser therapy. It is through acupuncture but instead of needles, the cold laser is being used. This method is performed by a specialist to relax the smoker and to help his body release endorphins or the substance naturally found in the body that relieves pain. This method is said to relieve addiction. Also, some smokers believe that using cigarette filters save them from nicotine and also believe that using them can help them quit smoking. But in reality, it is a big NO. Studies show that using filters make a smoker smoke more.

Some smokers prefer taking up herbs and other supplements which they believe can help them quit smoking. These supplements are marketed as dietary supplements and still under observation if proven to actually help smokers to quit smoking. There is another therapy that is said to be an effective method to quit smoking. This is the combination of atropine and scopolamine drugs therapy. This involves administering shots of these two drugs. This helps in the reduction of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. It may be effective but the problem is that the treatment, when being given to the smoker, can cause some side effects like dizziness, constipation, sore throat, and worse, can cause urinary problem and blurry eyesight. That is why this program is not allowed to be given to pregnant women, people with heart problems, high blood pressure or hypertension.

Sumber : http://www.artikelberbahasainggris.com/kesehatan/other-methods-on-how-to-quit-smoking-zero-nicotine.html

How to Write a Ranching Business Proposal

Do you run an eco-friendly, humane, free-range animal ranch and want to use that fact to help sell your beef, chicken, or buffalo? Or maybe you’re running a nonprofit international organization and you want to help the poor in other countries start a piggery or raise goats or turkeys. Perhaps you are working in the research or veterinary field and need to get a project approved or funded.

Whether you’re already running a ranch and seeking new outlets for your livestock or meat, or whether you are seeking funding to start a ranch, expand a livestock operation, or fund a research project, sooner or later you will need to master the art of writing a business proposal.

If you can run a ranch, you can certainly write a proposal. You know ranching. You know what you want to do with your business. So you’ve already got a good start on the content for a proposal. Now, you need to add one vital element: knowledge of your potential customer or funding organization. You need to keep that person or organization in mind while you write your proposal.

Successful proposals are custom tailored for their recipients. So before you start writing, not only should you gather all the facts and figures and internet links you need to describe your organization and explain what you propose to do, but you should also gather some data on your proposal readers. For example, what’s the history of the organization you are pitching to? Have they approved projects like yours in the past? Do they have a particular interest, such as organic farming or humane treatment of animals? What do they already know about you? What questions are they likely to have? Knowing your prospective customers or partners will help you include the right sort of information that will persuade them to support you.

After you have all your information in hand, how do you begin a proposal project? By writing a Cover Letter. It simply needs to introduce your organization and your proposal, explain what you’d like the recipient to do after reading the proposal, and provide all your contact information. Next, create a Title Page. Choose a name that describes your proposal, like “Funding Request to Help African Villages Set Up Pig Farms,” “Plan to Add Buffalo and Ostriches to the High Country Ranch Operations,” “Pilot Program to Study Livestock Disease Resistance,” or “Proposal to Deliver Fresh Free-Range Beef and Chicken to Cindy’s Down Home Restaurants.” The Cover Letter plus the Title Page, plus an optional Table of Contents and/or Client Summary (list of important points), makes up the first and shortest section of a proposal–the introduction.

The pages in the second section should describe what your potential customer or funding organization needs and wants from you, as well as any limitations, deadlines, or restrictions you know about. This section could also mention any opportunities that the readers may not yet have thought of. For example, local ranchers may not be supplying the demand for goats for traditional Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Hindu, or Muslim holiday meals in your area. Or perhaps you see a future need for more lean meat like beefalo, turkey, or ostrich. Or maybe you want to describe the need for milk, meat, and eggs in the diet of poor people, as well as the opportunity to make families self-sufficient with rapidly reproducing livestock. Pages in this section will have titles like Problem Statement, Needs Assessment, Market Demand, Opportunities, Requirements, and so forth.

If you are applying for funding or responding to an RFP, you probably have a checklist of information you need to provide, and you can insert your RFP Cross Reference and Compliance Matrix here, along with any other thoughts you have about future needs or challenges not addressed in the checklist.
The third section should be a detailed description of what you propose to do. This section could have any number of pages and topics, depending on your plans, projects, services, products and ideas. For example, if you plan to sell meat and poultry to restaurants or stores, you’ll want to include pages describing your Products and a Wholesale Price List, and include Purchasing and Delivery Details. Be sure to include any details that help your plan stand out from your competitors, such as Organic or Environmental practices, your plan for Future Sustainability, and so forth. If you are starting a ranching operation, you should describe your Project Plan and Budget as well as your existing or needed Equipment, Personnel, and Real Estate. You might need to include a Return on Investment page.

If you plan to offer a service to existing ranchers, such as inspection, insemination, inoculation, castration, branding, transportation, butchery, veterinary, auctioneering or even bookkeeping services, then you’ll want to describe all the tasks you will do. Each topic should describe how your project will meet a need or fulfill a demand and thus benefit all parties. Make sure you address all the needs, requirements, and opportunities mentioned earlier.

The fourth and final proposal section should explain why the reader can trust that you will fulfill your promises. This is your opportunity to brag about yourself, but remember that credibility comes from facts and recommendations from others, not from you simply saying you’re the best. In the final proposal section, you should have pages like About Us or Company History, Experience and Expertise, Team Members, and so forth. If you have successfully completed similar Projects, list them. Include pages describing any special Training or Credentials that would help to persuade the reader, and add Testimonials, Referrals, Awards, and recognition of Achievements from others.

That’s it–now you can see that the basic structure of a business proposal is introduce yourself and your proposal, describe the needs, opportunities, and requirements, describe in detail your plans and how they will meet the needs and requirements and take advantage of the opportunities, and finally explain why the proposal reader should have confidence in your ability to successfully carry out your plans.
After you have all the information, facts, and figures in place, take the time to proofread each page. Simply running a spell check program is not enough. Polish the wording and the appearance of all the pages. You want the proposal to represent you at your professional best, especially if you have competition for contracts or funding.

Want to get a big head start on writing your proposal? Then consider using a pre-designed proposal kit, which comes with professionally designed topic pages, including all those mentioned above. Each topic page contains instructions and examples of information to place on that page, so you’ll never sit looking at a blank screen. A good proposal kit will include completed sample proposals you can review to see which topics might go into a proposal and how the finished product could look. Using a proposal kit will make even your very first proposal look and sound like it came from an expert.

Sumber :  http://www.artikelberbahasainggris.com/bisnis/how-to-write-a-ranching-business-proposal.html

Senin, 09 Juni 2014

Confusing Words -1; Banking Services; What's The Job?

8. Confusing words – 1
Choose the correct word for each sentence.
Note: Answer is the one that underlined.

  1. She works for an advertisement/advertising agency.
  2. How will the increase in interest rates affect/effect your sales?
  3. My bank manager has agreed to borrow/lend me another $2,000.
  4. We’ve had to cancel/postpone the meeting until next Monday.
  5. These machines are controlled/inspected at least once a day.
  6. My plane was delayed/postponed by an hour due to computer failure.
  7. Before coming here, I studied economics/economy at university.
  8. I am interested/interesting in their new camera.
  9. She applied for a job/work as a personnel officer.
  10. Some employees have a long journey/travel to work every day.
  11.  The cost of life/living has gone up again.
  12. Please send precise measurements/measures when ordering.
  13. We expect prices to raise/rise by at least five percent.
  14. We only exchange goods if you produce a receipt/recipe.
  15. I must remember/remind the boss about that meeting this afternoon.
  16. Can you say/tell the difference between these two products?
  17. The company is extremely sensible/sensitiveto any criticism.
  18. There’s some more paper in the stationary/stationery cupboard.
9. Banking Services
commission                 issued                          statement                    credit rating
debited                        outstanding                 withdraw                      credit transfer
in full                           salaries                       banker’s draft              financial institutions
interest                       slip                               cash dispenser             standing order

Bank offers many services to business and their customers. Here are some of the most common:
Many people now have a card which enables them to 1. withdraw money from a 2. cash dispenser. You feed your card into the machine and key in your PIN (personal identification number) and the amount of money you want. If you have enough in your account, the money requested will be 3.issuedup to a daily limit. Your account is automatically 4. debited for the amount you have drawn out.
provided you have a sound 5.credit rating,you can get a credit card from a bank and other 6. financial institution. To obtain goods or services, you present your card and sign a special voucher. When it receives the voucher, the credit card company pays the trader (less a 7. commission) and then send you a monthly 8. slip. Depending on the type of card you have, you will either have to pay 9. in full or be able to pay part of what is owed and pay 10. interest in the balance left 11. statement.
 If you need to make fixed payments at regular intervals, e.g. for insurance premiums, you can arrange a 12. credit transfer (sometimes known as a banker’s order) so that the bank will do this for you.
If you have several bills to pay, you can do this by 13. standing order . You write one cheque for the total sum involved, fill in a 14. outstandingfor each bill and hand everything to the bank cashier.
The transfer system is also used by employers to pay 15. salaries directly into employees’ bank accounts.
If you are dealing with a supplier for the first time, a16. banker’s draftmay be used as payment. This is a cheque guaranteed by a bank and therefore it is not likely to ‘bounce’.

47. What’s the job?
accountant                              clerk                                        personnel officer
advertising executive              computer operator                 R&D Manager
assembly person                     draughtsperson                       receptionist
chauffeur                                motor mechanic                      salesperson
You will be in charge of a team of highly creative individuals delivering new quality products and enhancing our existing range.
1. personnel officer
With particular responsibilities for recruitment and selection. Communication skills and a pragmatic approach to problem solving essential.
2. R&D Manager
With mechanical design experience to work as a member of a team producing designs and drawings for production. Experience of our products range is not essential.
Duties include filing, mailing, relief reception and other general office work.
4. receptionist
Needed for night shift. Clean modern factory. Varied work. Good eyesight essential.
5. assembly person
Successful applicant will be articulate and presentable. Remuneration includes retainer and car allowance plus commission structure.
6. salesperson
Reporting directly to Managing Director. You will take over financial control for all aspects of daily operation.
7. accountant
Sober habits, clean driving licence, able to be on call 7 days per week at times. Uniform supplied.
8. chauffeur
Must be experienced in the repair and maintenance of heavy duty vehicles. References must be provided from previous employers.
9. motor mechanic
You are the first person our clients will meet so you need to be friendly, stylish and efficient.
10. clerk
Some experience in the above-mentioned software is essential but training will be given to the successful applicant.
11. computer operator
You will be an essential member of an agency responsible for some of the country’s top accounts. You will be responsible for the administration of local and national promotions.
12. advertising executive

As you were reading the advertisements, did you notice word partnerships such as financial control and communication skills?
Look through the advertisements again and see how many more you can find.
Complete each of the sentences below with a suitable word partnership taken from the advertisements.
  1. We’re looking for new products to add to ourselling list.
  2. She’s an advertising executive of this team. We can’t do without her.
  3. You get more money if you work on the advertising company but it ruins your social life.
  4. He had a very good idea to solving problems.
  5. I didn’t get the job as a driver as I didn’t have a driving license.
  6. My concern are health and safety but I’m also concerned with the general welfare of employees.